Year at a Glance
Meetings & ConferencesYear at a Glance

2024 VSBA Year At A Glance


January 22 & 23 – Capital Conference
Board members and superintendents annually meet when the General Assembly is in session to be briefed on education issues before the General Assembly and to learn effective lobbying techniques. This seminar provides participants with the opportunity to be personally involved in the legislative process.

January 23 – New Chair and Vice Chair Orientation
This comprehensive day-long conference is designed specifically to give new Chairs and Vice Chairs an overview of the basics of boardsmanship.

January 23 – New School Board Member & Superintendent Orientation
This comprehensive day-long conference is designed specifically to give new school board members and superintendents an overview of the basics of boardsmanship.


March 23 – Hot Topic Conference
This conference will be focusing specifically on multiple hot topics in education.


April 18 – Hot Topic Conference
This conference brings together dynamic speakers addressing issues that are important and relevant to every school division.


May 2 – Clerks Spring Conference
Join us for the annual school board clerks spring conference. This conference will feature important topics of interest to both new, and seasoned school board clerks and will involve interactive discussion groups for attendees.

May 31 – School Law Conference
Designed to provide an update on basic principles of school law and emerging issues, this conference is vital to school board members, superintendents, and school board attorneys. It is held annually during the first week of June.


July 23 – VSBA Conference on Education
The program includes a general session speaker and a multitude of mini-workshops on current educational issues.


September 19 – Legislative Advocacy Conference
This conference offers participants the opportunity to learn about upcoming issues for the legislative session, best practices in state-level advocacy, and hot topics in education policy.


November 20-22 – VSBA Annual Convention
Held each fall, this is the largest gathering of school board members in the state. This conference offers general session speakers, seminars, regional meetings and the annual business meeting of the Association’s Delegate Assembly.

2024 VSBA Meetings and Conferences

2025 VSBA Meetings and Conferences

2026 VSBA Meetings and Conferences