2021 Budget Workshop, May 6, 2021
Join us for the VSBA’s Budget Training workshop to learn more about the importance of The Board’s Role in Developing the School Budget. In this virtual workshop, based on member requests, board members will learn their role in the budget process and how it relates to the…
First Annual VSBA Student Essay Contest, Deadline April 30
The Virginia School Boards Association is holding a personal essay/speaking contest where the winner will have an opportunity to present before an audience of more than 300 school board members and administrators at the 2021 Virtual VSBA Conference on Education held July 20…
Some Norfolk teachers say their school is still making them sick. And not with the coronavirus.
While many parents and teachers were anxious about restarting in-person school because of the continuing pandemic, staff at one Norfolk school had bigger worries: classrooms they say are making them sick. And not with the coronavirus. “To me, COVID was my last issue…
Let The Cereal Boxes Fall Where They May River Bend Students Attempt World Record Domino Chain
What does it take to prepare the longest domino train of cereal boxes in recorded world history? A lot, but bet you wouldn’t have guessed over- the- counter pain medication would be one of them. But you’d be wrong. “Ibuprofen is our friend,” said Kim Muraskin, a school counselor at…
Teacher unions on the Peninsula found new energy during the pandemic. Now they want collective bargaining.
Jennifer Menzel had never been much of a union supporter. When the district unveiled a reopening plan in October, the longtime Hampton High School teacher was frustrated with the plan and the stance she saw the Hampton Education Association taking. She snapped at a…
After increase in ‘ugly’ and ‘insulting’ recorded citizen comments, Williamsburg-JCC School Board to return to in-person meetings
Members of the public are to return to Williamsburg-James City County School Board meetings after the board retreated from a recorded comment format that has become increasingly antagonistic during the COVID-19 crisis. It’s a move that can’t come soon enough for some…
Fredericksburg students can return to school four days per week
Fredericksburg City Public School students can return to school four days per week starting as soon as this week. The School Board heard division staff’s plan for the extended school week at a meeting Monday. Students who are already in the hybrid program and in school buildings…
Virginia Beach City Public Schools approves more days for in-classroom instruction
Virginia Beach City Public Schools is increasing the number of days middle and high school students will have in-person instruction. Some 7th through 12 graders will spend less time attending school at home on their laptops and more time in a classroom. A little bit of…
Safe Driving Effort Looking For N. Virginia Schools
The Arrive Alive campaign focused on teen driving safety is looking to register middle schools and high schools in the Northern Virginia area to help boost awareness about teen driving safety. The campaign, started by Virginia State Police, is sponsored by Youth of Virginia…
Roanoke sets high school graduations for early June
High school graduation dates have been announced for Roanoke. William Fleming High School will hold its graduation event June 10. Patrick Henry High School will hold its ceremony June 11, school officials said Tuesday. One is a Thursday, the other a Friday. Both events will take…
Funding for Nelson school consolidation study included in draft fiscal year 2022 budget
Funding to perform a study meant to examine the feasibility of consolidating the county’s two elementary schools is included in the fiscal year 2022 draft budget, reigniting arguments that have been largely absent this past year amongst board members. The Nelson County Board…
The Richmond School Board wants control of school construction, but the city and superintendent are opposed
The Richmond School Board voted this week to take back its authority to build new schools, a process that since 2018 had been led by a team of city and school officials. But the superintendent said he doesn’t think the division is equipped to oversee construction projects…
LCS exploring changes to secondary school schedules for upcoming school year
Lynchburg City Schools is planning to fully reopen its schools for five days of in-person learning for the fall semester, but for secondary schools, the day-to-day schedule will look a bit different. At the Lynchburg City School Board meeting Tuesday, Dominique Foster, student services…
ACPS opens contest for students to design new logo for renamed T.C. Williams High School
Now that T.C. Williams High School is becoming Alexandria City High School, the principal has announced a contest for students to submit ideas for a new logo for the school. The contest is open to all Alexandria City Public Schools students , according to a letter to the community…
Closing The Equity Gap In Education
Sen. Mark Warner, admirably eager to get constituent input, recently visited the Valley to trade ideas on workforce development with leaders of K-12 and higher education. One perhaps unintended outcome of the meeting was to sharpen the focus on a cycle of injustice that…
VSBA 2021 Food for Thought Competition
The VSBA would like to invite you to participate in the eighth annual Food for Thought Competition, a friendly competition between Virginia’s school divisions to showcase their programs that combat childhood hunger, provide healthy school meals, and encourage…
Webinar, April 22, 2021 Project IGuardian
Project iGuardian is presented by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Project iGuardian is an HSI initiative “designed to inform youths, parents, and educators about the risks that children face in the online environment” that also “aims to arm educators…