March is VSBA Equity in Education Month
In an effort to encourage equity in education, the VSBA Board of Directors has designated the month of March as VSBA Equity in Education Month. For more information on the month-long webinar series, a copy of the governor’s proclamation and additional resources follow the link above.
VSBA April Hot Topic Conference, April 13, 2021
Join us virtually for the 2021 VSBA April Hot Topic Conference. This conference brings together dynamic speakers addressing issues that are important and relevant to every school division. This year we will be discussing the important of collective bargaining. Attendees will hear from…
Falls Church City Public Schools will start 5 days/week of in-person learning April 6
Just last week, the CDC updated its guidelines and said three feet of social distancing is now safe in schools. But even before that announcement was made, one Northern Virginia school district was already planning for in-person learning five days a week. Falls Church City…
School officials and leaders weigh in mobilized meal programs a year in the pandemic
It’s been a year since schools across the Commonwealth first pivoted to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders from across the state joined No Kid Hungry Virginia to ensure each student still receives regular meals. School leaders joined No Kid Hungry Virginia for a…
Franklin County Public Schools to bring all in-person students to the classroom five days a week
Starting on Monday, PreK through 12th grade students currently enrolled in face-to-face instruction at Franklin County Public Schools will spend five days a week in the classroom until mid-June. Franklin County Public Schools’ superintendent, Dr. Bernice Cobbs, released…
Last group of hybrid students at Roanoke County Public Schools back in the classroom four days a week
Roanoke County Public Schools brought back the remainder of their hybrid students to the classroom Monday. More than 1,000 students returned to the middle schools and high schools four days a week on Monday, March 22. This is the last group to be brought back for the…
Loudoun County to receive millions in latest federal relief bill; what to expect
Loudoun County is preparing to receive a cut of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill known as the American Rescue Plan signed by President Joe Biden (D) March 11. State and local governments are expected to receive $3.8 billion of the $6.8 billion allocated to the…
Atkins to take top state job after retirement
Charlottesville City schools Superintendent Rosa Atkins is taking a top job at the Virginia Department of Education, the school division announced Tuesday. Atkins will become the department’s chief human resource officer in July after she retires from her role in…
Waynesboro schools unveil preliminary summer instructional plan
Waynesboro Schools have unveiled a preliminary plan highlighting what its summer instructional program might look like for students this year. Tim Teachey, Waynesboro Public Schools executive director of instruction, said the program’s goal is to engage students…
Reopening schools safely: What works and what doesn’t
One year into the pandemic, schools are still learning how to keep students safe. Montgomery County Public Schools have been in session for more than a month. They say air cleaners and lunch time restrictions are working better than deep cleaning and temperature checks…
York County schools to start next academic year before Labor Day
Schools in York County will start next school year before Labor Day, making it the latest Peninsula school district to make the decision. Southeastern Virginia has resisted starting school earlier for years even as the state made it easier and other regions moved towards…
Albemarle County Public Schools gifted program changes persist through virtual learning
Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) new approach to gifted students was just getting rolled out when the pandemic turned the world upside down. One year later, teachers and administrators say they are still seeing results and they’ve actually learned some things from…
FCPS to recognize religious holidays — without a day off
In a divisive decision, the Fairfax County School Board voted late last week to recognize some religious holidays in the next school year, but fell short of giving students a day off on those days. Next year’s academic year will not give students a day off on 15 religious observances…
Northern Virginia school districts strictly enforcing COVID-19 precautions to avoid potential outbreaks
Parents are weighing in as school districts across Northern Virginia and beyond begin cracking down on violations to mitigation measures to avoid any coronavirus outbreaks. Safety precautions are being strictly enforced to keep students and staff safe, including mandatory…
Over 3,000 Charles County Public Schools students return to classroom on Monday
Monday, Charles County Public Schools enters Phase 2 of the district’s return-to-school plans. About 3,400 students will be returning for the first time since classrooms closed. Phase 2 includes eligible students whose parents opted to send their children to school for in-person…
More students coming physically back to RCPS classrooms on April 12
Rockingham County Public Schools will continue to bring more students physically back to the classroom starting after spring break. On March 8, Superintendent Oskar Scheikl presented to the school board updated information on COVID-19 trends in Rockingham County and…
Poquoson Middle School finds 70-year-old wallet during renovations; owner recalls losing it in gym
A $19 million renovation of Poquoson Middle School unearthed something priceless. As walls started coming down, a piece of history saw the light of day for the first time in around 70 years. A contractor discovered a wallet lost in the duct work in the early 1950s when the Poquoson…
2021 VSBA Title IX: Best Practices In Training & Compliance
With claims of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct hitting newsstands everywhere, Title IX coordinators and other senior staff need to be confident in their knowledge and enforcement of their divisions’ policies. Prevention and thorough investigations are the best ways to…
2021 VSBA Business Honor Roll Open Now
Local businesses have the power to shape community attitudes about public schools. Every spring, the VSBA Business Honor Roll provides a way for local school divisions to recognize local businesses for their support, especially as schools face increasing budget uncertainty…