Current Superintendent Searches
ServicesCurrent Superintendent Searches

Important Notice: The Virginia School Boards Association is assisting the school boards below with the search process. Candidates should not make contact with individual school board members. Inquiries should be directed to Gina G. Patterson, executive director, Virginia School Boards Association, 200 Hansen Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-295-8722, or



To view a list of all positions that are currently accepting applications, please visit

Application Procedures

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Buckingham County Public Schools Announcement of Superintendent Search

The School Board of Buckingham County Public Schools invites applications for the position of Superintendent.


Buckingham County is located south of the James River at the geographic center of Virginia. The county is at the western edge of the Piedmont and sits east of the Blue Ridge Mountains. US 15, US 60, and SR 20 are the major arteries that connect Buckingham to its surrounding neighbors. The county of Buckingham was established in 1761.


The mission of Buckingham County Public Schools is to create a safe, positive learning environment where students can adapt, create, collaborate, think critically, and meet the challenges of an ever-changing global community.

Schools: 1 Career & Technical Education Center, 1 High School, 1 Middle School, 1 Elementary School, 1 Primary School, 1 Pre School & 1 Alternative Education School

Total Student Enrollment: 1,837

Total Division Budget: $33,343,134

Full-Time Employees: 350

On-time Graduation Rate: 94.3%

Web Site:


The board has established the following qualifications for the next superintendent of Buckingham County Public Schools:

  • An earned doctorate is preferred.
  • Experience as a superintendent or associate/assistant superintendent is preferred.
  • Teaching or public school administration experience in Virginia is preferred.
  • Residency in the school division is preferred.

Leadership and Management Skills – The successful candidate is a visionary, creative thinker, and decisive leader. with excellent managerial skills

Personal Characteristics – The successful candidate is a good listener/caring, accessible and consistent.

Board-Superintendent Relations – The successful candidate is willing to assume a lead role in decision-making while keeping the board informed, understands differences between policy and administration and acts accordingly, effectively mediates and accommodates different perspectives.

Staff Relations – The successful candidate maintains open channels of communication to and from staff and creates an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, effectively delegates tasks and responsibilities, and understands the law concerning personnel policies and procedures.

Community Relations –The successful candidate relates, with confidence, to a variety of community groups effectively advocates school issues/needs, and communicates effectively on both private and public levels.

School Finance – The successful candidate closely supervises budget development and procedures, develops and explains the rationale for the budget to the board and local officials, and lobbies for school funding on behalf of the school division.

Areas of Expertise – The successful candidate has expertise in curriculum and instruction, budget and finance, and school reform (e.g. strategic planning, total quality management, etc.).

Candidates must meet the legal requirements to be licensed or be eligible for licensure as a superintendent in Virginia. Questions concerning the eligibility requirements should be directed to the Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA  23218-2120, Telephone: (804) 750-8190.


Commensurate with experience and qualifications.


To apply, visit:

Completed applications are due by February 14, 2025

Candidates should not make contact with school board members. Inquiries should be directed to Gina Patterson, executive director, Virginia School Boards Association, 200 Hansen Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-295-8722 or

Equal Opportunity Employer

Coming Soon: Buena Vista City Public Schools Superintendent Search

An independent city of about 6,500 citizens, Buena Vista boasts a beautiful setting along the scenic Maury River in Rockbridge County, Virginia. Bounded on the east by the Blue Ridge Mountains, Buena Vista is home to Southern Virginia University as well as several small industries. Interstates I-81 and I-64 conveniently put Roanoke, Staunton, Harrisonburg, Waynesboro, and Charlottesville within an hour’s drive.

It is the mission of Buena Vista City Public Schools is empowering all through lifelong excellence in educator to be creators of the future.

Budget: $15,951,501.08

PK-12 Total Student Enrollment: 893

Full Time Personnel: 159

Part Time Personnel: 39

Cost Per Pupil: $16,225

On Time Graduation Rate: 92.3 %

Schools: The division consists of 2 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school.

Web Site:

Candidates must meet the legal requirements to be licensed or be eligible for licensure as a superintendent in Virginia. Questions concerning the eligibility requirements should be directed to the Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA  23218-2120, Telephone: (804) 750-8190.

Specific position qualifications and the application will be available February 18, 2025.

Candidates should not make contact with school board members. Inquiries should be directed to Gina Patterson, executive director, Virginia School Boards Association, 200 Hansen Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-295-8722 or

Coming Soon: Appomattox County Public Schools Superintendent Search

Appomattox County is located in rural central Virginia, covering 342 square miles. Steeped in history and heritage, Appomattox County was the scene of the surrender of the Civil War and is home to the Appomattox Courthouse National Historical Park and Holliday Lake State Park. The approximate population is 16,800.

Appomattox County Public Schools (ACPS) provide public education to approximately 2262 students who are enrolled in our four schools in the school division. Those schools include Appomattox Primary School (Preschool – Grade 2), Appomattox Elementary School (Grades 3-5), Appomattox Middle School (Grades 6-8), and Appomattox County High School (Grades 9-12).

Our school division is supported by 425 employees, 185 of whom are teachers. The 2024-2025 budget is $34,342,562 and our on-time graduation rate is 93%. We have been fully accredited by the Virginia Department of Education since 2005. We are very proud of our students and staff in ACPS. We welcome you to visit our school division website at to learn more about our school division.

Candidates must meet the legal requirements to be licensed or be eligible for licensure as a superintendent in Virginia. Questions concerning the eligibility requirements should be directed to the Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120, Telephone: (804) 750-8190.

Specific position qualifications and the application will be available March 10, 2025.

Candidates should not make contact with school board members. Inquiries should be directed to Gina Patterson, executive director, Virginia School Boards Association, 200 Hansen Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-295-8722 or


Applications for specific positions are linked above when available.

To be notified when Superintendent Searches are available, please contact Samantha Bosserman, Deputy Executive Director at or 1-800-446-8722 ext. 5.

Eligibility Requirements for Virginia Superintendents
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be appointed as a superintendent in VIRGINIA, one must be listed on the “Eligible List of Division Superintendents” approved by the Virginia Board of Education. The Board of Education only meets eight or nine times per year which can cause delays in processing the applications for licensure. We encourage you to reach out ASAP to the Virginia Department of Education. For information regarding this list, contact the Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure, State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120, Telephone: (804) 750-8190.

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